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The information manually provided to us when you sign up for our email newsletter, or when you make a purchase, or when you fill out the contact form. This information can be directly tied to you because of the information you provided. There is also information that is automatically collected via our third party partners, google analytics, KE-Commerce, &

The Types of information collected here include things like:
• What pages you visited

• Where you are located

• How you interact with internet marketing campaigns

• Where you live

Generally our third Party partners only give us this information in the aggregate, but sometimes this information can be directly tied to you. So it’s probably going to be tied to them when the directly make a purchase and depending upon how detailed your analytics is from your newsletter, you might get some information there too. We protect this information by having SSL Security and by Partnering with so we never learn your credit card information. We use this information to deliver the items you requested by products you purchased through email marketing to protect you from fraud and to create new products that you will love. This information is only shared through our trusted third party partners when its necessary in order to provide you these products or services. For example,

• To provide you better shipping rates

• Better newsletters

• Targeting and creating pages that you are more likely to find and understand the content on

If you would like to find the information that is directly affiliated with you, please email us at